This is part of my amateur radio station, I call it section A. As one can see my dog "Einstein" usually hams it up at my station.
Our call sign is W2PHD, I have an Amateur Extra Class Licence.
My equipment consists of a fleet of "Boat Anchors," a ham term for vintage equipment.
I have a Yaesu FT-901-DM all HF transceiver, 180 watts input power; Collins 75A-1 receiver, National NC-300 receiver, Hallicrafters SX-96 receiver, Collins 75S-2 receiver; The transmitters are: HEath DX-100 AM transmitter (100 watts), Collins 32S-1 transmitter (200 watts), A Viking Invader transmitter (200 watts), D-104 microphones.
I am a member of the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) and the RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain).
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